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  • 2024-04-01|
  • 作者:|
  • 来源:蛤咔体育

England's Euro 2020 Shirt Sleeve Patch Color Change

England's national football team is known for its iconic white jerseys and blue shorts. However, for the Euro 2020 tournament, the team unveiled a new addition to their attire - a shirt sleeve patch. The patch was introduced as a gesture of solidarity with key workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. The original patch was mainly white with a blue and red NHS symbol. However, the patch color has recently been changed, sparking a debate within the fan community.

The Original Patch

The original shirt sleeve patch featured the NHS logo, which is a symbol of the UK's National Health Service. The patch was designed to honor and show appreciation for the frontline healthcare workers who have been putting their lives at risk during the pandemic. The patch was widely praised by the public and the football community.

However, the patch design received criticism from some fans who thought that it would clash with the team's traditional colors of white and blue. Many also felt that the patch was unnecessary and added unnecessary clutter to the shirt design.

The Change

Recently, the England Football Association announced that the color of the sleeve patches would be changed from white to black. The new design features a black patch with a white and red NHS symbol, which some fans believe is a better match for the team's white and blue uniform.

The change has generated mixed reactions from the fan community. Some fans have praised the new design, saying that it looks more sleek and professional than the original. Others have criticized the change, saying that the black color is too harsh and that the white background of the original design was a better match for the team's colors.

The Debate

The debate over the England sleeve patch design is an interesting reflection of the role that aesthetics play in football culture. Some fans believe that any change to the traditional uniform is a sacrilege, while others believe that adding new elements to the design can be a way to show appreciation and support for important social causes.

Ultimately, the color of the shirt sleeve patch is a matter of personal preference. Some fans may prefer the original white patch, while others may prefer the new black version. However, it's worth remembering that the purpose of the patch is to show solidarity with key workers during a difficult time. Whatever the color, the sentiment behind the patch should be appreciated and celebrated by all fans of the beautiful game.


The England shirt sleeve patch color change may seem like a small detail, but it has sparked a big debate among football fans. Whether you prefer the original white patch or the new black version, it's important to remember the purpose behind the patch - to honor and support the brave healthcare workers who have done so much during the pandemic. As fans, we can show our appreciation by wearing the patch with pride and supporting our team on the pitch.

【资讯关键词】: the and
